温书假第一个星期,第三天 Study Week 1,3rd Day

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I decide to stop working for myself today !

Really really really really really unwilling to cook today ! And don't know why, I keep feeling scary without any reason since last two days. 

I have absolutely no clue about the reason but just scary.

而且前两天跟妈妈在 Skype 讲话到一半,我的项链忽然断掉,护身符也随之脱落。然后在老母的逼迫下,我找了一条红绳子暂时把护身符带上。结果第二天,红绳子也断了,你说可不可怕?!
The gold pendant that I used to wear, which so-called as "protecting pendant" suddenly dropped last two days when I was talking with my mom through Skype. My mom kept forcing me to wear the pendant no matter what, I have no choice but use a red string to tie the pendant up and wear it. And guess what, the red string just opened and dropped itself the next day. Kinda scary you know !!

So NO KITCHEN for me during the night !!!

And therefore, TADAA, this is my orange, huge ones !!

 还有今天的第三杯奶茶。。我知道,我知道,益隆太太每次说:“奶茶不要喝太多” x 1000 次!
And also, the third milk tea for today .... I know, I know, my mom always say : " NO MILKTEA " x 1000 times!!

But I am really tired and I really need motivation !! I have been doing revision, revision, recision, revision and revision after I woke up.... Blurrrhhhhh !!!

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With Love
